Odd that Republican figures like Rush Limbaugh proclaim that America is failing due to Barrack Obama's administration and additionally says that he wants Obama to fail! Okay so you don't like Obama Mr Limbaugh because of your ultra conservative views and want him to fail, yes you want Our President to fail. Wow. Well you can say that his policies are failing, however the facts speak differently, yeah those damn facts! Always getting in the way of your precious propaganda! Can't we just get rid of facts? I'm sure you would like that Mr Limbaugh. However as evident by the polls, Unemployment claims have dropped and the consensus of the people of the United States of America has increased in favor of Obama's administration policies on the economy. So spew away your lies and contempt and bigotry, but the facts will always speak louder than even your very load mouth.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Odd that Republican figures like Rush Limbaugh proclaim that America is failing due to Barrack Obama's administration and additionally says that he wants Obama to fail! Okay so you don't like Obama Mr Limbaugh because of your ultra conservative views and want him to fail, yes you want Our President to fail. Wow. Well you can say that his policies are failing, however the facts speak differently, yeah those damn facts! Always getting in the way of your precious propaganda! Can't we just get rid of facts? I'm sure you would like that Mr Limbaugh. However as evident by the polls, Unemployment claims have dropped and the consensus of the people of the United States of America has increased in favor of Obama's administration policies on the economy. So spew away your lies and contempt and bigotry, but the facts will always speak louder than even your very load mouth.
Liberalism and Conservatism a defining look
Conservatism in the United States is a major American political ideology. In contemporary American politics, it is often associated with the Republican Party. Core conservative principles include a belief in God and country, and many U.S. conservatives support a fiscal policy rooted in small government, laissez faire capitalism, and supply-side economics. In foreign policy, American conservatives usually advocate some moderate aspects of "American exceptionalism", a belief that the U.S. is unique among nations and that its standing and actions do and should guide the course of world history.
Well both ideals seem to be paved in good intention, yet the devil is in the details. Let's start with the ideals affecting us most now, the ones that deal with the economy. The conservative approach believes in a laissez faire approach to capitalism. Okay let the big guys on Wall Street run the show in the assumption that they will play fairly, look out for the common welfare of all who are affected by their decisions and put ethics before profits. Okay so that's a pile of crap, we all know what has happens (and has happened) when you de-regulate big business. They will rape and pillage until nothing is left. It's like telling a virus to play nice and to not spread too much. It's inherit nature does not allow it to follow such a path. Next Supply-side economics, Well that just puts us back to square one. This philosophy shares the same inherit problem of laissez faire economics. You can't expect to give all the chips to the big boys and expect them to spread them out fairly, I mean you literally give all the power to huge corporations (and those who run it). These corporations are only accountable to their shareholders NOT the American people. In doing this you create an entirely different social entity, A Plutocracy! Which is an Oligarchy, which is to say a government controlled by the wealthy few. Very scary stuff indeed.
Liberalism on the other hand, strives to give the people, equal and fair rights throughout, It is not god based, it is people based. It also strives to make the people more involved and have more control over their government. It is after all a democracy and the people should have the rule not Corporation Owners like Rupert Murdoch, who owns the 5th largest media conglomerate in the world and has a very strong far-right agenda that is more than apparent in his news arm of media. However the liberals are not perfect either, the road is on the right path but far more challenging, after all it's easier to give the keys to the house to a selected few, far more a challenge to give them to the entire nation.
Guantanamo Bay vs The Most Secure Prison in the World!
All you need do is look at the facts and any concerns about the detainees at Gitmo being a threat to Americans in our Federal State Maximum Security Prisons will soon be at ease. Just look at the comparison of Guantanamo Bay Prison compared with ADX Federal Super Max Prison in Florence, CO. Which do you think is more secure? Let's take a closer look shall we?
ADX Federal Super Max Prison:
Cost: 108.6 million. (over 60 million in 1983 when it was built, adjusted for inflation)
Most Secure Prison – Housing 473 convicts, the Administrative Maximum Facility (ADX, or Supermax, as it is commonly called) is the situated in Florence, Colorado and is home to the convicts deemed to be the most dangerous and the ones most in need of maximum surveillance and control. Nearly all prisoners are kept in solitary confinement for roughly 23 hours a day, with the last hour being used for exercise, conducted alone, with their only human interaction being with the officers that control the place. Each cell contains furniture purely made out of concrete, with a toilet the shuts off if it gets plugged up (to prevent flooding, which is why the shower runs on a timer). Any windows in the cells are designed at such an angle so that the prisoner cannot pinpoint his position in the prison (what with only being able to see sky or roof through them). Outside of the cells, there are over 1000 remote-controlled steel doors, as well as the usual CCTV cameras, along with motion detectors, razor wire, attack dogs and pressure pads. No one’s getting out of this place.
Guantanamo Bay only cost 60 million in 2002 and aside from that we know very little due to the classified nature of the facility. We do know that it consists of 7 camps the largest a 612-unit detention center, which goes largely unused being that we only hold 245 detainees. All I can say is that I'm sure an extra 48 million dollar procures a bit more security. Let us not forget these are "people" not X-men mutants with super powers capable of tearing through concrete and steel walls with their teeth and claws! It's ridiculous. I think the real political issue lies in the know that if we bring them here, we'll have to start accounting for who's here and for what? Officials have already said of those incarcerated 60-80% will be released without any charges whatsoever! Prime exhibit of a detainee who probably shouldn't be locked up is Salim Hamdan who was a chauffeur for Osama Bin Laden, admitting he needed the $200 monthly salary. A chauffeur! Compare that with Florence prisoner population containing roughly 22% of inmates that have killed fellow prisoners in other correctional facilities; 35% have attempted to attack other prisoners or officers. Do we even have any murderers in Gitmo? Let alone ones that have killed prison staff or guards? Wow the argument made by the right that Guantanamo's detainees are the most dangerous in the world...sounds a bit like a bunch of bull.
Michael, what happened?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Obama's Stimulus Plan and Transparency

"The State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) program is a new one-time appropriation of $53.6 billion under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Of the amount appropriated, the U. S. Department of Education will award governors approximately $48.6 billion by formula under the SFSF program in exchange for a commitment to advance essential education reforms to benefit students from early learning through post-secondary education, including: college- and career- ready standards and high-quality, valid and reliable assessments for all students; development and use of pre-K through post-secondary and career data systems; increasing teacher effectiveness and ensuring an equitable distribution of qualified teachers; and turning around the lowest-performing schools."
This sounds great, so what I'd like to know is how it's going to effect California's budget crisis in the end, Arnold Schwarzenegger voted for the stimulus plan and got hell from his party for it, but said to them "If you don't want the money give it to me, we (California) need it!". I must say though that the 6th program (Section 8 Welfare) with over $305 million dollars allocated to it, unnerves me to say the least. I was raised very poorly and lived in section 8 apartments growing up and can remember that we had to pay rent while others abused the system and had the government pay their rent. I'm not saying the program should be abandoned but 6th place? It's just not how I would have prioritized the money.
Science of the Orange Peel, Perhaps a fuel?
The Hypocritical Mr Limbaugh

"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
This is what she said, this is the fact not the fiction or the hype spewed by far right conservatives who should be ashamed for their bigotry. For one she was at a ceremony marking the 40th anniversary of the first judicial appointment of a Hispanic (so this is the context) and all that she is saying is that a Hispanic woman IS going to have a different and yes perhaps better perspective on matters that fall out of the white cookie cutter outline. For instance for a white male who has lived in upper middle class all of his life, had his college paid for and lived a life of privileges may not be able to conclude well on social issues that face a minority. What is racist about pointing that out? At the same measure she may not understand or have as much empathy for the upper-middle class and a more privileged group of people. This does not make her or anyone else who would point out different social perspectives a racist. This is just another smear campaign by a failing and desperate party. Good luck on the Hispanic vote on the next round of elections. Oh yeah and by the way this is coming from a white man himself;)
Mr Mancow, Libertarian converted on Waterboard Torture Debate
Please let's be honest about this issue. Water-boarding is torture, torture is wrong, evil breeds evil and nothing good can come of this.
Independant Identification surging.. Republicans drowning.

Libertarian chairman, remarks on Supreme Judge Nominee
"WASHINGTON -- America’s third largest party Tuesday criticized President Barack Obama’s nomination of federal appeals court judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, citing past rulings that public employers should discriminate in hiring based on race.
“While Judge Sotomayor deserves a fair and impartial hearing, Supreme Court justices should be nominated for their thorough knowledge of and adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law,” said William Redpath, Libertarian National Committee Chairman. "
William Redpath seems to be on just that a "red" enraged path. What kind of remark is that? She brings more experience on the bench than any other current Supreme Court Judge had when they were nominated. To verify what I just said check this link for the facts : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonia_Sotomayor. Please conservative extremist, have some dignity and respect for those who deserve it, even if their views and ideals differ from yours. It's when we as people become intolerant to other ideals that we enter very dangerous territory.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Lord Sith Cheney

So what's next? What more does he want? He has already reigned in power for 8 years (we all know bush didn't), why continue to spread your insidious propaganda? This man's ego is at the center of what the "Dark Force" is. Ultimate self lust. This inhibits all other natural care-giving and benevolent traits, this condition has seen many a men to achieve and destroy greatly, for destruction is the only end to this mean.
I hope we have all learned our lesson. I fear we have not. unforturnately history is cyclical
Supreme Court Choice Sonia Sotomayor

Sonia was born in the Bronx, New York to Puerto Rican parents and is 54 years old. Her previous position was federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. She was nominated by Bill Clinton.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Jesus Camp...
If you have not seen this, you must. It's chilling and disturbing. Is this right? Should something be done? Where is the line? Should it be legal to indoctrinate children? To exploit them for adult agendas?
Fixed News
Media Users Seeing Political Bias |
January 2004 |
Source: Pew Research Center on the People and the Press, "Cable and Internet Loom Large in Fragmented Political News Universe," January 11, 2004. |