Sunday, August 23, 2009

The reasoning of a Town Hall Protester

Get Involved!

Please take the time to find your state senators, follow what they are doing, see if you agree with their policies and let them know your opinions! This kind of involvement is what we need and so its so easy to do~!

We have money for surges, just not surgeries.

Interview with woman who yelled "Heil Hitler"!

"All these corrupt politicians who have been in office for so long"! Yeah Like under a year~! What about the 8 years your party controlled of? Did they not wreak havoc on our Country? You say your husband has 2.5 jobs and no health-care, you should be a supporter of health-care reform! My god are you that prejudice against Obama and everything non-right that you disregard your families health. Please do this country a favor and educate yourself, let go of your prejudices and then create "Your Own" real opinions.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Health-Care Debate?

There are two sides to the Health-Care debate fueled by two distinctive motives. On one side are large corporations who's motive are profit, large ungodly amounts of profit (profits that should become illegal as they're at the expense of human lives). On the other side are elected officials, people we elected to make real change in this country like our Health-Care system. This group is motivated by ensuring the promises they made to the American People. This has not always been so, especially for the last 8 years but we have new hope in our new president and so far he's keeping his promises.

So quick Motive recap,

Side A = "Greedy Profiteering at the expense of human lives"
Side B = "A promise to the American People to give quality and affordable Health-Care to all"

If there is a real debate here, if under the pretenses of the argument that a real debate is even possible, then I fear for the future of mankind. If people can be so ignorantly belligerent in defending a system which ultimately is killing them, if people can be so easily manipulated by corporate interest groups. lobbyists and politicians and have an inability to think for themselves then the greatest fear is already realized. A mind controlled is not a mind at all.

I think it's easy to see the Health-Care lobbyist, interest groups and pocketed politicians are feeding off the prejudices and ignorance of a dwindling population. At least there is hope in that, that this racist, ignorant and easily manipulated group of people are becoming less and less, evident by our new president, I can guarantee you not one of his votes came from this sad group of people.

We the intelligent, thoughtful, caring and completely imperfect yet striving to be better people are growing, are getting smarter, are becoming more aware. We're tired of the status-quo, we know what's right and what is wrong and even if we do have prejudices to pray on, we're aware and ashamed of them and will not let them guide our judgment.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Motivated by the insanity that surrounds us -- the ultra-right wing nut bags and and the corporate owned media

I was just a McDonald's the other day when I noticed that they give significantly less ketchup packets per serving as well as their napkins and other condiments. It got me thinking, Capitalism is no different than socialism when it comes to rationing, a ration is a ration no matter what system provides it. The problem is we really don't have a true "free market" once huge corporations pocket congressmen and write legislature to gain unfair advantages in the marketplace, we lose the right mixture of competition and the corporation becomes the union, becomes the very thing these ignorant right-wingers are protesting against, except it's big-corporation instead of big-government. At least I get to vote in a big government.