Monday, September 7, 2009

Indoctornatin our kidz!

Indoctornatin our kidz

The Conservative right is so hypocritical and so blatantly biased that it's absurd. They're like big babies who have to wait while the other kids take a turn on the swing and so they pout and pout until it's their turn to get back on the swing only to get their and ride the swing so hard they break it.

It has always been and is now an honor to have the President of the United States of America speak to our youth. This is a new level of low and we as a society should not accept it and must furthermore speak out against it.

Do conservatives even see how hypocritical they are? Do they not realize how many times they have pushed to have the bible mandatory reading in our public schoools? To enforce christianity on all of America's children regardless of their own personal beliefs?

This hits another subject these right-wingers have ass-backwards by tending to believe that the constitution was written by god fearing christians and that America is the quintessential christian nation. Wrong, the leading 9 or so signers/creators of the declaration (including George Washington and Benjamin Franklin) were Free Masons, a non-religious social group who were inspired to build this nation to be free of religious rule, therefore church and state are to be separate .. This is "in" the constitution.

Conservatives please get a grip on reality. When you are ready to have a real debate over this Country's issues, we'll all be glad to have it.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Media Oligarch .. Rupert Murdoch

It's funny how opponents of Obama and the democratic party site Obama and the democrats as socialist and Nazis, implying that it is they and not them who are similar or more ideologically in line with the ideals of absolutism and dictator rule when it is in fact they who favor tyrants, dictatorships and absolute rule.

Take for example the man behind the curtain Mr Keith Rupert Murdoch. The epitome of capitalistic dictatorship, The Supreme Media Oligarch, oops there's that term Mr Beck loves so much, except he doesn't really know what it means and to whom it applies. He wouldn't dare point out that by definition his boss Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Media Conglomerate News Corp (2nd only to Disney) is just that.

What most people don't understand is that absolute rule more applies to a capitalist society than a socialist one. The whole premise behind socialism is to create equal opportunities for the proletarian.. The Worker!

In capitalism, your labor is owned by the company that you work for. Yes your labor becomes a proprietary asset.. owned not by the person creating the labor (you) but the owner(s) of the corporation. This is not as bad as long as the person also has the right to start a company of his/her own and therefore own their labor and properties and/or reserve the right to sell their labors to whomever they want if at all. These 2 rules are really what keep capitalism from being modern slavery!

Another fault is that in a capitalistic society if little or no regulation is applied by a democratic government than monopolies will form and therefore destroying a true "Free Market" and enslaving the lower classes.

That is why it's extremely important to regulate the markets to not allow let's say one man to own and control media outlets that reach 40% of all American homes. Very scary stuff indeed. So if we're going to talk Oligarchs let's really talk Oligarchs.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Doctors for Public Option Health Care Reform.

When Doctors want and support a public option, I think we'd be stupid not to listen..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Health Care Reform Now!

IT'S TIME TO HAVE OUR VOICES HEARD! We've already heard the voices of bussed in lunatics full of fear, ignorance and scantily dressed racism rally against Health Care Reform.

Now it's our Turn! To voice our common sense, compassionate, pragmatic and intelligent demands for Health Care Reform. This is not an issue to take lightly.

If you are in the L.A Area and care that people are dying because there is a profit incentive for denying them life saving procedures, then please ATTEND this RALLY! Enough is Enough!!!

Let's take the Profit Incentive out of HEALTH CARE!!!

If you are a doctor please register @

Wednesday September 2nd, 2009 11:45am
UCLA Medical Center to the Federal Building.