Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Indoctornatin our kidz!
The Conservative right is so hypocritical and so blatantly biased that it's absurd. They're like big babies who have to wait while the other kids take a turn on the swing and so they pout and pout until it's their turn to get back on the swing only to get their and ride the swing so hard they break it.
It has always been and is now an honor to have the President of the United States of America speak to our youth. This is a new level of low and we as a society should not accept it and must furthermore speak out against it.
Do conservatives even see how hypocritical they are? Do they not realize how many times they have pushed to have the bible mandatory reading in our public schoools? To enforce christianity on all of America's children regardless of their own personal beliefs?
This hits another subject these right-wingers have ass-backwards by tending to believe that the constitution was written by god fearing christians and that America is the quintessential christian nation. Wrong, the leading 9 or so signers/creators of the declaration (including George Washington and Benjamin Franklin) were Free Masons, a non-religious social group who were inspired to build this nation to be free of religious rule, therefore church and state are to be separate .. This is "in" the constitution.
Conservatives please get a grip on reality. When you are ready to have a real debate over this Country's issues, we'll all be glad to have it.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Media Oligarch .. Rupert Murdoch

Take for example the man behind the curtain Mr Keith Rupert Murdoch. The epitome of capitalistic dictatorship, The Supreme Media Oligarch, oops there's that term Mr Beck loves so much, except he doesn't really know what it means and to whom it applies. He wouldn't dare point out that by definition his boss Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Media Conglomerate News Corp (2nd only to Disney) is just that.
What most people don't understand is that absolute rule more applies to a capitalist society than a socialist one. The whole premise behind socialism is to create equal opportunities for the proletarian.. The Worker!
In capitalism, your labor is owned by the company that you work for. Yes your labor becomes a proprietary asset.. owned not by the person creating the labor (you) but the owner(s) of the corporation. This is not as bad as long as the person also has the right to start a company of his/her own and therefore own their labor and properties and/or reserve the right to sell their labors to whomever they want if at all. These 2 rules are really what keep capitalism from being modern slavery!
Another fault is that in a capitalistic society if little or no regulation is applied by a democratic government than monopolies will form and therefore destroying a true "Free Market" and enslaving the lower classes.
That is why it's extremely important to regulate the markets to not allow let's say one man to own and control media outlets that reach 40% of all American homes. Very scary stuff indeed. So if we're going to talk Oligarchs let's really talk Oligarchs.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Doctors for Public Option Health Care Reform.
When Doctors want and support a public option, I think we'd be stupid not to listen..
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Health Care Reform Now!

IT'S TIME TO HAVE OUR VOICES HEARD! We've already heard the voices of bussed in lunatics full of fear, ignorance and scantily dressed racism rally against Health Care Reform.
Now it's our Turn! To voice our common sense, compassionate, pragmatic and intelligent demands for Health Care Reform. This is not an issue to take lightly.
If you are in the L.A Area and care that people are dying because there is a profit incentive for denying them life saving procedures, then please ATTEND this RALLY! Enough is Enough!!!
Let's take the Profit Incentive out of HEALTH CARE!!!
If you are a doctor please register @
Wednesday September 2nd, 2009 11:45am
UCLA Medical Center to the Federal Building.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Get Involved!
Please take the time to find your state senators, follow what they are doing, see if you agree with their policies and let them know your opinions! This kind of involvement is what we need and so its so easy to do~!
Interview with woman who yelled "Heil Hitler"!
"All these corrupt politicians who have been in office for so long"! Yeah Like under a year~! What about the 8 years your party controlled of? Did they not wreak havoc on our Country? You say your husband has 2.5 jobs and no health-care, you should be a supporter of health-care reform! My god are you that prejudice against Obama and everything non-right that you disregard your families health. Please do this country a favor and educate yourself, let go of your prejudices and then create "Your Own" real opinions.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Health-Care Debate?
So quick Motive recap,
Side A = "Greedy Profiteering at the expense of human lives"
Side B = "A promise to the American People to give quality and affordable Health-Care to all"
If there is a real debate here, if under the pretenses of the argument that a real debate is even possible, then I fear for the future of mankind. If people can be so ignorantly belligerent in defending a system which ultimately is killing them, if people can be so easily manipulated by corporate interest groups. lobbyists and politicians and have an inability to think for themselves then the greatest fear is already realized. A mind controlled is not a mind at all.
I think it's easy to see the Health-Care lobbyist, interest groups and pocketed politicians are feeding off the prejudices and ignorance of a dwindling population. At least there is hope in that, that this racist, ignorant and easily manipulated group of people are becoming less and less, evident by our new president, I can guarantee you not one of his votes came from this sad group of people.
We the intelligent, thoughtful, caring and completely imperfect yet striving to be better people are growing, are getting smarter, are becoming more aware. We're tired of the status-quo, we know what's right and what is wrong and even if we do have prejudices to pray on, we're aware and ashamed of them and will not let them guide our judgment.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Motivated by the insanity that surrounds us -- the ultra-right wing nut bags and and the corporate owned media
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Americans marry other species, ethnics and other..
Wow, neo-nazi much? I'm at a loss of words, what is Fox thinking!?
Fiat Money - This is what your money is.. Really..
Fiat Money
Currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, despite the fact that it has no intrinsic value and is not backed by reserves. Historically, most currencies were based on physical commodities such as gold or silver, but fiat money is based solely on faith.
Most of the world's paper money is fiat money. Because fiat money is not linked to physical reserves, it risks becoming worthless due to hyperinflation. If people lose faith in a nation's paper currency, the money will no longer hold any value.
Now that we've discussed why and how money, a representation of perceived value, is created in the economy, we need to touch on how the central bank (the Federal Reserve in the U.S.) can manipulate the money supply.
Among other things, a central bank has the ability to influence the level of a country's money supply . Let's look at a simplified example of how this is done. If it wants to increase the amount of money in circulation, the central bank can, of course, simply print it, but as we learned, the physical bills are only a small part of the money supply.
Another way for the central bank to increase the money supply is to buy government fixed-income securities in the market. When the central bank buys these government securities, it puts money in the hands of the public. How does a central bank such as the Federal Reserve pay for this? As strange as it sounds, they simply create the money out of thin air and transfer it to those people selling the securities! To shrink the money supply, the central bank does the opposite and sells government securities. The money with which the buyer pays the central bank is essentially taken out of circulation. Keep in mind that we are generalizing in this example to keep things simple. (For more information, see the Federal (the Fed) Reserve Tutorial.)
Remember, as long as people have faith in the currency, a central bank can issue more of it.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
"Don't as don't tell" or is it "Run and Hide"?
I totally agree! Of course sex is a distraction. This is to be expected for both hetero and homosexuals. So to blame sexual tension on one side of the sexual preference playground is simply unfair, it's a human condition not a gay one.
Now I'm not saying I'd want to see a gay soldier swirling a baton, with rolled up sleeves and his t-shirt turned into a bikini top or using any other sexually gleeful expression declaring his/her sexuality, straight or gay, I do however highly doubt this is the case.
What I feel is unfair is that one group of people have to essentially "hide" their sexuality and/or "run" from any subjects that would expose them. In addition they have to carry the burden of knowing that if they are exposed they will be dishonorably discharged and lose GI benefits. All because of choices they make in their personal lives that do not effect their ability to do their jobs.
Not only does this cause injustice towards gays and lesbians but it also costs U.S taxpayers millions of dollars every year due to the costs of supporting this policy.
What it costs us:
Former Defense Secretary William Perry, a member of the Clinton administration, and professors from West Point U.S. Military Academy concluded that figure is close to $363 million, including $14.3 million for "separation travel" once a service member is discharged, $17.8 million for training officers, $252.4 million for training enlistees and $79.3 million in recruiting costs.
Military Opposition of the policy:
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. John Shalikashvili (Ret.) and former Senator and Secretary of Defense William Cohen spoke against the policy publicly in early
January 2007:
"I now believe that if gay men and lesbians served openly in the United States military, they would not undermine the efficacy of the armed forces,"
General Shalikashvili wrote
"Our military has been stretched thin by our deployments in the Middle East, and we must welcome the service of any American who is willing and able to do the job."
In December 2007, 28 retired generals and admirals urged Congress to repeal the policy. They cited evidence that 65,000 gay men and women are currently serving in the armed forces, and that there are over 1,000,000 gay veterans.
Public opinion:
Polls have shown that a large majority of the American public favors allowing gay and lesbian people to serve openly in the U.S. military. A national poll conducted in May 2005 by the Boston Globe showed 79% of participants having nothing against openly gay people from serving in the military. In a 2008 Washington Post–ABC News poll, 75% of Americans – including 80% of Democrats, 75% of independents, and 66% of conservatives – said that openly gay people should be allowed to serve in the military.
I agree sexual remarks, slurs and innuendos are a distraction and should be looked down upon and penalized up to and including dismissal, but until that soldier does so gay or straight, they should have the right to not have to hide their sexuality in the fear that they will lose their careers because of it.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Charge a tomato? Sure why not.
So the charge does diminish quite a bit but does settle out approximately 3% above the original charge. I'm not suggesting any applications of any sort, I just think it's cool that you can charge a tomato! Of course this could be recreated with most fruits and vegetables as well and would be a fun experiment for kids.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Republican Jargon on Government Spending and Socialism
George W. Bush: Approximate total 1.6 Trillion
Airline Industry 2001 $18.6 billion
The terrorist attacks of September 11 crippled an already financially troubled industry. To bail out the airlines, President Bush signed into law the Air Transportation Safety and Stabilization Act, which compensated airlines for the mandatory grounding of aircraft after the attacks. The act released $5 billion in compensation and an additional $10 billion in loan guarantees or other federal credit instruments. (What happened after the bailout?)
Bear Stearns 2008 $30 billion
JP Morgan Chase and the federal government bailed out Bear Stearns when the financial giant neared collapse. JP Morgan purchased Bear Stearns for $236 million; the Federal Reserve provided a $30 billion credit line to ensure the sale could move forward.
Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac 2008 $400 billion
On Sep. 7, 2008, Fannie and Freddie were essentially nationalized: placed under the conservatorship of the Federal Housing Finance Agency. Under the terms of the rescue, the Treasury has invested billions to cover the companies' losses. Initially, Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson put a ceiling of $100 billion for investments in each company. In February, Tim Geithner raised it to $200 billion. The money was authorized by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008.
American International Group (A.I.G.) 2008 $180 billion
On four separate occasions, the government has offered aid to AIG to keep it from collapsing, rising from an initial $85 billion credit line from the Federal Reserve to a combined $180 billion effort between the Treasury ($70 billion) and Fed ($110 billion). ($40 billion of the Treasury’s commitment is also included in the TARP total.)
Auto Industry 2008 $25 billion
In late September 2008, Congress approved a more than $630 billion spending bill, which included a measure for $25 billion in loans to the auto industry. These low-interest loans are intended to aid the industry in its push to build more fuel-efficient, environmentally-friendly vehicles. The Detroit 3 -- General Motors, Ford and Chrysler -- will be the primary beneficiaries.
Troubled Asset Relief Program 2008 $700 billion
In October 2008, Congress passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, which authorized the Treasury Department to spend $700 billion to combat the financial crisis. Treasury has been doling out the money via an alphabet soup of different programs. Here’s our running tally of companies getting TARP funds.
Citigroup 2008 $280 billion
Citigroup received a $25 billion investment through the TARP in October and another $20 billion in November. (That $45 billion is also included in the TARP total.) Additional aid has come in the form of government guarantees to limit losses from a $301 billion pool of toxic assets. In addition to the Treasury's $5 billion commitment, the FDIC has committed $10 billion and the Federal Reserve up to about $220 billion.
Now Obama's administration:
Bank of America 2009 $142.2 billion
Bank of America has received $45 billion through the TARP, which includes $10 billion originally meant for Merrill Lynch. (That $45 billion is also included in the TARP total.) In addition, the government has made guarantees to limit losses from a $118 billion pool of troubled assets. In addition to the Treasury's $7.5 billion commitment, the FDIC has committed $2.5 billion and the Federal Reserve up to $87.2 billion.
and Gm needs a bit more understanding, since both administrations have had a hand in bailing them out. So here's a detailed timeline.
- October 10, 2008: GM considered exchanging its remaining 49% stake in GMAC to Cerberus Capital Management for Chrysler LLC, potentially merging two of Detroit's "Big Three" automakers.[26] Acquisition talks involving Chrysler were cancelled, however, before November 7, 2008, as part of a broader response to the increasing urgency of GM's own cash flow problems. That was a result of Chrysler's senior bank debt currently trading at less than 50 cents on the dollar and because Chrysler's other owner – Daimler, formerly DaimlerChrysler – recently revalued its 19.9% Chrysler stake down to zero, which may or may not reflect its value in a potential sale.[27]
- December 12, 2008: General Motors stated that it was nearly out of cash, and may not survive past 2009. The U.S. Senate voted and strongly opposed any source of government assistance through a bailout bridge loan (originally worth $14 billion in emergency aid) which was aimed toward helping the struggling Big Three automakers financially, despite strong support from President George W. Bush and President-elect Barack Obama, along with some mild support from the Democratic and Republican political parties.
- Prior to the U.S. Senate's announcement, General Motors announced that it had hired several lawyers to discuss the possibility of filing for bankruptcy, with Chapter 11 bankruptcy being one of the options discussed. GM stated that "all options are on the table" for the company. Chrysler LLC, which is owned by Cerberus Capital Management, in a similar financial situation, warned that it, too, was nearly out of cash and might not survive much longer.
- December 18, 2008: President Bush announced that an "orderly" bankruptcy was one option being considered for both General Motors and Cerberus-owned Chrysler LLC. Sources said that setting up this type of "orderly" bankruptcy would be complicated because it would not only involve talks with the automakers, but also the unions and other stakeholders would have to be involved.
- December 19, 2008: President Bush approved a bailout plan and gave General Motors and Chrysler $13.4 billion in financing from TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program) funds, as well as $4 billion to be "withdrawn later."
- As of February 14, 2009: General Motors was considering filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy under a plan that would assemble all of their viable assets, including some U.S. brands and international operations, into a new company.[28] Less than a week later, its Saab subsidiary filed for bankruptcy protection in Sweden.[29]
- March 5, 2009: GM's independent public accounting firm (Deloitte & Touche) issued a qualified opinion as part of GM's 2008 annual report that stated "[these conditions] raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern."[30] A qualified going concern audit letter like this is only issued by the auditors when the company is in extreme financial distress and it is likely that it may file for bankruptcy protection.[31]
- March 12, 2009: GM's CFO Ray Young said that it would not need the requested $2B in March noting that the cost-cutting measures are starting to take hold.[32]
- March 29, 2009: GM's Chairman and CEO, Rick Wagoner, agreed to immediately resign his position as part of an Obama administration automotive restructuring plan. Wagoner was replaced by Fritz Henderson.[33] In announcing that plan, on March 30, 2009, President Obama stated that both GM and Chrysler may need to use "our bankruptcy code as a mechanism to help them restructure quickly and emerge stronger."[34] He also announced that the warranties on cars made by these companies would be guaranteed by the U.S. Government.
- March 31, 2009: President Barack Obama announced that he would give GM 60 additional days to try and restructure their company and prove their viability. If they succeeded, Washington would provide General Motors with additional bridge loans. However, if GM could meet the requirements set by the White House, a prepackaged bankruptcy is probable. President Obama reiterated that GM will be part of the future even if bankruptcy is necessary.[35]
- April 22, 2009: GM stated that it will not be able to make their June 1, 2009 debt payment.[36]
- April 24, 2009: GM announced that they will be scrapping the Pontiac brand in an effort to invest more money into their major brands (Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, and GMC).[37]
- May 4, 2009: German Economy Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg said Fiat (among others)[38] might be interested in the GM European unit. [39]
- June 1, 2009: GM filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy,[14] the fourth largest filing in the United States history after Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual, and Worldcom.[13]
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I can't belive this, A sensible voice within Fox News!!!
I can't imagine he'll have a job on that network for long, he has far too much common sense for that network's propaganda machine mayhem.
Highway Robbery - The Federal Reserve. Part1
Let's start with the Federal Reserve Rate? Have you ever heard of it? Do you know what it is? The Federal Reserve (which is a group of banks and president appointed board members) can dictate the rate at which the big banks loan money to the small banks. This gives the big banks (which are part of the Fed, and the decision making process) huge control over the nations money, keep in mind these smaller banks are required to store money with the Fed in the first place and if they need money they have to have it lent to them from the the Fed.
There's another business that operates this way.. Organized Crime.
"Yeah me and Vinny over here are goings to holds your monies for yous, you know to keep it safe and all, and just in case things get ugly you know, like the stock markets crashes or somethings, and if yous need some monies, yous can come see me and Vinny here and we'll give you a loan see?"
Basically the Fed is highway robbery. It was formed by the major New York Banks of the early 1900's Including JP Morgan and John D. Rockefeller Jr on a private island off the coast of Georgia appropriately called "Jekyll Island". Here's a quote from the founder of Forbes Magazine:
Forbes magazine founder B. C. Forbes wrote:
"Picture a party of the nation’s greatest bankers stealing out of New York on a private railroad car under cover of darkness, stealthily riding hundreds of miles South, embarking on a mysterious launch, sneaking onto an island deserted by all but a few servants, living there a full week under such rigid secrecy that the names of not one of them was once mentioned, lest the servants learn the identity and disclose to the world this strangest, most secret expedition in the history of American finance. I am not romancing; I am giving to the world, for the first time, the real story of how the famous Aldrich currency report, the foundation of our new currency system, was written.[68]"
This rabbit hole is deeper than can be covered in one post let alone a book. So I will continue to dig into the matter and post the findings in parts.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Imaginary Black People at it again!
Seriously white people, cut it out already! lol. No seriously cut it out..
Saturday, June 6, 2009
A Nation that builds well nothing

A disturbing look at the extreme dip in manufacturing employment in the U.S. shows that America has decided not to build things, a new direction that seems to be the preferred way to go.. at least for the large corporate shareholders and their executives. It's easy to understand, profits will rise sharply due to cheaper labor and a lack of unions and labor laws in the outsourced countries, stocks will rise, big cats on wall street will swim in the dough and companies like Rolex and Armani will flourish. Well hell, it seems like a pretty good idea, that is - good for a very small percentage of the population. What of the rest of us facing record unemployment rates, poverty, welfare and all the lovely little things that go with a huge population that is now broke? It's simply unfair for an American corporation to manufacture it's goods overseas to a country that manipulates it's currency to an unfair advantage and has little to no labor laws. When will ethical business standards be issued? Is a profit only associated with a dollar amount? Are there no other considerations as to what that dollar of profit has cost the country and it's people to be earned? If for every dollar of profit an American job is lost, then It may not be worth it.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Obama's Cairo Speech.

"So long as our relationship is defined by our differences we will empower those who sew hatred instead of piece"
"Based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition, instead they overlap and share common principles. Principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings"
"There must be a sustained effort to listen to each other, to learn from each other, to respect one another and to seek common ground"
And even Qur'an and Darfur quotes:
"As the holy Qur'an tells us 'Be conscious of god and speak always the truth'"
"When innocents in Bosnia and Darfur are slaughtered that is a stain on our collective conscious"
I encourage all who care to watch the speech in full and draw your own conclusions on the man, the speech and the goal.
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
I'm glad I have Bad Credit

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Odd that Republican figures like Rush Limbaugh proclaim that America is failing due to Barrack Obama's administration and additionally says that he wants Obama to fail! Okay so you don't like Obama Mr Limbaugh because of your ultra conservative views and want him to fail, yes you want Our President to fail. Wow. Well you can say that his policies are failing, however the facts speak differently, yeah those damn facts! Always getting in the way of your precious propaganda! Can't we just get rid of facts? I'm sure you would like that Mr Limbaugh. However as evident by the polls, Unemployment claims have dropped and the consensus of the people of the United States of America has increased in favor of Obama's administration policies on the economy. So spew away your lies and contempt and bigotry, but the facts will always speak louder than even your very load mouth.
Liberalism and Conservatism a defining look
Conservatism in the United States is a major American political ideology. In contemporary American politics, it is often associated with the Republican Party. Core conservative principles include a belief in God and country, and many U.S. conservatives support a fiscal policy rooted in small government, laissez faire capitalism, and supply-side economics. In foreign policy, American conservatives usually advocate some moderate aspects of "American exceptionalism", a belief that the U.S. is unique among nations and that its standing and actions do and should guide the course of world history.
Well both ideals seem to be paved in good intention, yet the devil is in the details. Let's start with the ideals affecting us most now, the ones that deal with the economy. The conservative approach believes in a laissez faire approach to capitalism. Okay let the big guys on Wall Street run the show in the assumption that they will play fairly, look out for the common welfare of all who are affected by their decisions and put ethics before profits. Okay so that's a pile of crap, we all know what has happens (and has happened) when you de-regulate big business. They will rape and pillage until nothing is left. It's like telling a virus to play nice and to not spread too much. It's inherit nature does not allow it to follow such a path. Next Supply-side economics, Well that just puts us back to square one. This philosophy shares the same inherit problem of laissez faire economics. You can't expect to give all the chips to the big boys and expect them to spread them out fairly, I mean you literally give all the power to huge corporations (and those who run it). These corporations are only accountable to their shareholders NOT the American people. In doing this you create an entirely different social entity, A Plutocracy! Which is an Oligarchy, which is to say a government controlled by the wealthy few. Very scary stuff indeed.
Liberalism on the other hand, strives to give the people, equal and fair rights throughout, It is not god based, it is people based. It also strives to make the people more involved and have more control over their government. It is after all a democracy and the people should have the rule not Corporation Owners like Rupert Murdoch, who owns the 5th largest media conglomerate in the world and has a very strong far-right agenda that is more than apparent in his news arm of media. However the liberals are not perfect either, the road is on the right path but far more challenging, after all it's easier to give the keys to the house to a selected few, far more a challenge to give them to the entire nation.
Guantanamo Bay vs The Most Secure Prison in the World!
All you need do is look at the facts and any concerns about the detainees at Gitmo being a threat to Americans in our Federal State Maximum Security Prisons will soon be at ease. Just look at the comparison of Guantanamo Bay Prison compared with ADX Federal Super Max Prison in Florence, CO. Which do you think is more secure? Let's take a closer look shall we?
ADX Federal Super Max Prison:
Cost: 108.6 million. (over 60 million in 1983 when it was built, adjusted for inflation)
Most Secure Prison – Housing 473 convicts, the Administrative Maximum Facility (ADX, or Supermax, as it is commonly called) is the situated in Florence, Colorado and is home to the convicts deemed to be the most dangerous and the ones most in need of maximum surveillance and control. Nearly all prisoners are kept in solitary confinement for roughly 23 hours a day, with the last hour being used for exercise, conducted alone, with their only human interaction being with the officers that control the place. Each cell contains furniture purely made out of concrete, with a toilet the shuts off if it gets plugged up (to prevent flooding, which is why the shower runs on a timer). Any windows in the cells are designed at such an angle so that the prisoner cannot pinpoint his position in the prison (what with only being able to see sky or roof through them). Outside of the cells, there are over 1000 remote-controlled steel doors, as well as the usual CCTV cameras, along with motion detectors, razor wire, attack dogs and pressure pads. No one’s getting out of this place.
Guantanamo Bay only cost 60 million in 2002 and aside from that we know very little due to the classified nature of the facility. We do know that it consists of 7 camps the largest a 612-unit detention center, which goes largely unused being that we only hold 245 detainees. All I can say is that I'm sure an extra 48 million dollar procures a bit more security. Let us not forget these are "people" not X-men mutants with super powers capable of tearing through concrete and steel walls with their teeth and claws! It's ridiculous. I think the real political issue lies in the know that if we bring them here, we'll have to start accounting for who's here and for what? Officials have already said of those incarcerated 60-80% will be released without any charges whatsoever! Prime exhibit of a detainee who probably shouldn't be locked up is Salim Hamdan who was a chauffeur for Osama Bin Laden, admitting he needed the $200 monthly salary. A chauffeur! Compare that with Florence prisoner population containing roughly 22% of inmates that have killed fellow prisoners in other correctional facilities; 35% have attempted to attack other prisoners or officers. Do we even have any murderers in Gitmo? Let alone ones that have killed prison staff or guards? Wow the argument made by the right that Guantanamo's detainees are the most dangerous in the world...sounds a bit like a bunch of bull.
Michael, what happened?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Obama's Stimulus Plan and Transparency

"The State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) program is a new one-time appropriation of $53.6 billion under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Of the amount appropriated, the U. S. Department of Education will award governors approximately $48.6 billion by formula under the SFSF program in exchange for a commitment to advance essential education reforms to benefit students from early learning through post-secondary education, including: college- and career- ready standards and high-quality, valid and reliable assessments for all students; development and use of pre-K through post-secondary and career data systems; increasing teacher effectiveness and ensuring an equitable distribution of qualified teachers; and turning around the lowest-performing schools."
This sounds great, so what I'd like to know is how it's going to effect California's budget crisis in the end, Arnold Schwarzenegger voted for the stimulus plan and got hell from his party for it, but said to them "If you don't want the money give it to me, we (California) need it!". I must say though that the 6th program (Section 8 Welfare) with over $305 million dollars allocated to it, unnerves me to say the least. I was raised very poorly and lived in section 8 apartments growing up and can remember that we had to pay rent while others abused the system and had the government pay their rent. I'm not saying the program should be abandoned but 6th place? It's just not how I would have prioritized the money.
Science of the Orange Peel, Perhaps a fuel?
The Hypocritical Mr Limbaugh

"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
This is what she said, this is the fact not the fiction or the hype spewed by far right conservatives who should be ashamed for their bigotry. For one she was at a ceremony marking the 40th anniversary of the first judicial appointment of a Hispanic (so this is the context) and all that she is saying is that a Hispanic woman IS going to have a different and yes perhaps better perspective on matters that fall out of the white cookie cutter outline. For instance for a white male who has lived in upper middle class all of his life, had his college paid for and lived a life of privileges may not be able to conclude well on social issues that face a minority. What is racist about pointing that out? At the same measure she may not understand or have as much empathy for the upper-middle class and a more privileged group of people. This does not make her or anyone else who would point out different social perspectives a racist. This is just another smear campaign by a failing and desperate party. Good luck on the Hispanic vote on the next round of elections. Oh yeah and by the way this is coming from a white man himself;)
Mr Mancow, Libertarian converted on Waterboard Torture Debate
Please let's be honest about this issue. Water-boarding is torture, torture is wrong, evil breeds evil and nothing good can come of this.
Independant Identification surging.. Republicans drowning.

Libertarian chairman, remarks on Supreme Judge Nominee
"WASHINGTON -- America’s third largest party Tuesday criticized President Barack Obama’s nomination of federal appeals court judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, citing past rulings that public employers should discriminate in hiring based on race.
“While Judge Sotomayor deserves a fair and impartial hearing, Supreme Court justices should be nominated for their thorough knowledge of and adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law,” said William Redpath, Libertarian National Committee Chairman. "
William Redpath seems to be on just that a "red" enraged path. What kind of remark is that? She brings more experience on the bench than any other current Supreme Court Judge had when they were nominated. To verify what I just said check this link for the facts : Please conservative extremist, have some dignity and respect for those who deserve it, even if their views and ideals differ from yours. It's when we as people become intolerant to other ideals that we enter very dangerous territory.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Lord Sith Cheney

So what's next? What more does he want? He has already reigned in power for 8 years (we all know bush didn't), why continue to spread your insidious propaganda? This man's ego is at the center of what the "Dark Force" is. Ultimate self lust. This inhibits all other natural care-giving and benevolent traits, this condition has seen many a men to achieve and destroy greatly, for destruction is the only end to this mean.
I hope we have all learned our lesson. I fear we have not. unforturnately history is cyclical
Supreme Court Choice Sonia Sotomayor

Sonia was born in the Bronx, New York to Puerto Rican parents and is 54 years old. Her previous position was federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. She was nominated by Bill Clinton.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Jesus Camp...
If you have not seen this, you must. It's chilling and disturbing. Is this right? Should something be done? Where is the line? Should it be legal to indoctrinate children? To exploit them for adult agendas?
Fixed News
Media Users Seeing Political Bias |
January 2004 |
Source: Pew Research Center on the People and the Press, "Cable and Internet Loom Large in Fragmented Political News Universe," January 11, 2004. |