A disturbing look at the extreme dip in manufacturing employment in the U.S. shows that America has decided not to build things, a new direction that seems to be the preferred way to go.. at least for the large corporate shareholders and their executives. It's easy to understand, profits will rise sharply due to cheaper labor and a lack of unions and labor laws in the outsourced countries, stocks will rise, big cats on wall street will swim in the dough and companies like Rolex and Armani will flourish. Well hell, it seems like a pretty good idea, that is - good for a very small percentage of the population. What of the rest of us facing record unemployment rates, poverty, welfare and all the lovely little things that go with a huge population that is now broke? It's simply unfair for an American corporation to manufacture it's goods overseas to a country that manipulates it's currency to an unfair advantage and has little to no labor laws. When will ethical business standards be issued? Is a profit only associated with a dollar amount? Are there no other considerations as to what that dollar of profit has cost the country and it's people to be earned? If for every dollar of profit an American job is lost, then It may not be worth it.
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